

Hi all, Jeff here. I am a Master’s student in Economics at Columbia University’s Graduate school of Arts and Sciences. Through my exposure to econometrics and statistical courses during the program, I have discovered a love for data science and machine learning. This blog was created to track my journey and thoughts as I explore these fields.

Prior to my Master’s degree, I worked for 5 years at D. E. Shaw and Arcesium LLC as a Finance and Operations associate primarily assisting the Convertible Arbitrage and Distressed Debt desks with trade settlements and corporate restructuring analysis.

I graduated from NYU Stern in 2015 with a B.S. in Finance and Economics, minoring in Psychology. I hope to combine my interest in psychology and behavior with data analysis.



I am a big fan of basketball and the NBA, and will be using NBA player and team data in many of my projects. Outside of school and work, I enjoy running, golf, travelling and food.

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